Why Consistent Advertising Spend Benefits Your Business

When it comes down to investing ad spend dollars, many business owners miss the mark! Here are some reasons why remaining consistent in your monthly advertising budget is so important to your overall business success:

1. Staying Top of Mind to Potential Customers:

When you are consistently serving ad impressions to your target audience, you build an impression frequency, in other words you start to make an imprint of your brand/product on your target audience’s mind. This is not a process that happens overnight, it takes time, sometimes months, and when you’re creating a digital marketing funnel to from prospecting to conversions/sales it’s important to recognize that users who are unfamiliar with your brand at the prospecting level have to be slowly ushered down the funnel by way of you serving them ad impressions. A study done at MIT showed that the “human brain can process entire images that the eye sees for as little as 13 milliseconds.” That means that the more times (frequency) you can place your product in front of a potential customer the more likely you leave a valuable impression on that user and increase your overall brand retention. Brand retention creates TRUST/VALUE to a user, without it, you will not convert or sell effectively online. This is important because eventually you can remarket to those users with a special offer later on down the digital marketing funnel.

2. Eliminating the Loss of Machine Learning Momentum:

Most advertising channels such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn etc. have created machine learning when it comes to running paid advertising campaigns. Machine learning is essential to your campaigns performance. If you turn off the campaign after a week, 3 days, or a month, it doesn’t have enough time to learn. I tell my clients all the time that you’re giving ad spend money to a machine and we’re telling it what to do in order to optimize for our success.  You have to give the machine enough time to process your target audience, find the people in that bucket that you set your targeting parameters to, and let it run. Now if you notice that some of your goals or benchmarks aren’t being reached then it’s time to optimize. Ask yourself these questions; How many users did we push down the funnel? Have we collected enough data in our ad accounts to optimize for conversions effectively?

Why Consistent Advertising Spend Benefits Your Business

3. Stopping Your Online Advertising Efforts to Save Money is a Waste of Time:

The great Henry Ford once said, “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” I couldn’t agree with this quote more, if you set out with a goal in mind to hit a specific target audience in order to sell your product and/or service, you have to remain consistent because users pay attention to that. Also, there is so much competition out there and if you’re not staying on top of the ball in front of your target audience SOMEONE ELSE WILL! ←-Read that again.


If your current ad spend per campaign isn’t meeting your KPI’s after the machine learning period, it’s time to OPTIMIZE. Ask yourself these questions, are there other campaign types/objectives that you could move those ad dollars to? Are there bid adjustments that need to be made? Is there another advertising channel (Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Ads, Pinterest) where funds would be better utilized according to your campaign goals? Do you need to adjust the creatives and CTA if using a display channel for ads? Do you need to make copy adjustments in order to show and add value to your product/service? What does your historical campaign performance data communicate towards your goals and KPI’s? There’s a lot more questions you could ask yourself when optimizing your campaigns and I’d be happy to assist with my digital marketing consultation services. Or simply take care and manage your campaigns monthly, if that’s you, you can schedule a discovery call here.

Overall, having a consistent ad spend budget month to month can help your overall top of mind marketing strategy and increase your likelihood of conversions and Key Performance Indicators being met.

If you’re struggling with your digital marketing and/or paid ads efforts, please send us an email here info@dtsdigitalmarketingservices.com

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